How far does a story travel?

Don't ever under estimate the ability of 2 year olds.  It is amazing what Todd and I learn from them.  Today our lession was about Zacchaeus and how Jesus told him to come down out of the tree so he could go to visit his house.  As I am talking and telling the story I am looking at them and thinking to myself.....just what are they taking in.  They are so precious.  Most of the time we will have to stop the story for just a minute to pay a little attention to boo boo's as everyone shows us there's.  And try to get them back on track with the story before we get to far off of our story.
But, today we had an aunt come to us and tell us that during lunch her nephew talked about Zacchaeus, the tree and Jesus.  Then the mother came to me and was telling me the same thing. Then the grandmother said something about it and then the grandfather spoke of it as well.  Thank you Lord because it thrilled my heart to see that they all had learned about what this 2 year old had learned in Sunday school.   I was so thankful that God is allowing Todd and I to be an hour link to these wonderful 2 year olds.  It just goes to show that you never know how far a story can travel.  We are so blessed that God has entrusted us to be the teachers of all these wonderful gifts from God.   In Psalm 127:3 Lo, children are a heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. 

To God be the Glory!


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